standing on ceremony


Here’s a photo of Scott and Katy in our matching yukata robes with our dear friend Sanjiv looking like he wishes he had a robe, too…actually the story behind this picture is a funny one. A couple of weeks ago, Scott had planned a suprise ceremony to join us in unwedded bliss. Sanjiv and Aneel were enlisted to help Scott pull it off without a hitch ( puns always intended). At the end of a particularly long day, a few mojitos too many, and never having had a shower, Katy was not in the mood for a surprise of this magnitude.

To top it off, the guys had misunderstood the nature of the ceremony and had hired a Catholic priest to say some words. Boy did he ever! Something about sickness, Jesus, and devils, devils, devils! Scott pushed the poor misguided priest away with a stop, no more , planted a passionate kiss on my lips with an I love you, Katy, and we abruptly ended this event. Neither of us satisfied with the quasi religious results, that night in bed we immediately began plotting a new ceremony.

Scott commissioned his cousin Jill Satin to write us a Humanist partnership script incorporating our vows to each other as well as a poem written for us by Scott’s now retired mentor in the furniture business ( and Sanjiv’s longtime colleague) Marvin Walker. We call him Uncle Marvin and he is a mensch. Jill has done us proud, too. Stay tuned for a complete posting of our partnership script and ceremony which will be taking place at Sur La Mer within ten days. We hope to have Jill’s role read by our friend Aneel Verman, live music by his son Arjun, lots of flowers, and a feast that follows the ceremony. RSVP us if you go to Goa.

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