smile 2 the end foundation

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Dr. Ravi and Dr. Salkar at the press conference  for the foundation they are starting with Scott that will benefit a program to bring art to hospitals in Goa and encourage other patients to stay positive even though they may be experiencing cancer. When Scott learned he was terminally ill he focused his attention on how much time he had left to LIVE instead of thinking of how he was dying. This is the essence of the new foundation “Smile 2 the End” that he and his doctors are creating. As Dr. Salkar said to the media today, much of oncology work is focused on treatment and chemotherapy and not enough on end-care quality of life. He hopes that Scott’s message will help change that. Beginning on Friday, Manipal Hospital will begin exhibiting enlarged prints of Scott’s original paintings in a show that will travel to other venues. Prints will eventually be for sale to benefit Smile 2 the End as well as a locally published book of Scott’s paintings. We had an excellent turnout today but we forgot to take pics of the 25 reporters that showed up to take pictures of us! Tomorrow afternoon a reporter from a Goan weekly will be following up with a human interest story, too. Thanks to the Goa Marriott Resort for providing refreshments and giving us the use of our room for the event.

22 thoughts on “smile 2 the end foundation

  1. What wonderful news! Scott and you are really going to make a positive difference for people who will follow Scott on the path he is taking. I love seeing his paintings spread out on the wall too. It is truly and magnificent body of work.Thank you both for your buoyant pioneering. Much love and gentle hugs, Iana


  2. Pingback: watch the interview | going to goa

  3. You will need a bigger room soon! Fantastic work and what a great idea idea for the foundation, what a lovely gift for Scott to share with the Goan people. As always beautiful art from Scott. x


  4. Pingback: close shave | going to goa

  5. and ….. another pure good mission, coming from the positive energy of passing. Scott and Katy , your mission is pure inspiration ! thank you ! Summer has drifted in this weekend here in Stonington. 80 degrees and sunny !, The Mark Island fog horn punctuates this morning’s bird song every 15 seconds, reminding me of gentle sailing days aboard Willow. Peace to you both all is well back home !


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