sending my love and some small understanding

Dear Scott and Katy

I have Scott’s beautiful email of February 1 and it shows what remarkable people you both are. I saw a movie on Saturday night called Amour. It is a French movie which has also been nominated for an Oscar. While it is not exactly the same it mirrors the situation you two face

In all my life I have not encountered the courage and love you two share. Most of us just see what is in front of our face but you two have looked beyond that to a larger picture, i.e our need for the caring of others during a time of need but also knowing that each person is an island, and our capacity to know another is limited to what can only be revealed by actions but again is limited because we are born each under unique circumstance and with unique DNA

Cherish these days because the will never be repeated.

All my love


We received this letter today. Uncle Marvin is Scott and Sanjiv’s mentor in the furniture business. He is also the mensch who wrote a poem for our ceremony. We love you, Marvin!

3 thoughts on “sending my love and some small understanding

  1. Pingback: you are invited to our celebration ceremony « going to goa

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