reach out and touch somebody…

Often Scott and I are deeply moved by our readers’ own stories. We are reposting this here but the original exchange can be seen on our Contact page in the comments section. Thank you for sharing, Jeannie!

Good day Scott and Katy
Please know I didn’t ignore your reply. I honestly didn’t know it was there. I’m not very proficient at this blogging stuff. I started on here mainly to follow your journey. I saw a post that Katy made on Jean Fogelbergs site and that brought me to your story.
In answer to your question as to who I am: I’m just me. Another soul just trying to better myself, and be enlightened to the lessons of this life.
I’m a Mom if three fabulous adult children. Have 3 grandchildren and one on the way. Only one of them is a girl and she’s a hoot!!! She’s my little Indigo child. Only three years old and very smart and very ” intuned”.
I also am fortunate to be married to the most wonderful man ever.
I had mentioned in my email to you that I have MS but ironically, because of it, I have the best life ever. Prior to being diagnosed with it, I was/am an RN. Over the years I worked every area of medicine, working my way up to my dream job as a midwife. I had to quit working because of some of the challenges that the MS brought with it. As a result, I was forced to slow my life down and it allowed me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and just life in general. I started noticing life. The beauty this universe gifts us every day but we rarely slow down long enough to see it or appreciate it. While doing that, I started on a spiritually enlightening journey and tapped into parts of me that I always knew were there but never developed. I’m an empath, intuit healer and love being able to help people. This was quite an astonishing discovery for an ordinary gal from New Jersey!
When I saw that you were going to GOA, I became so interested in your story. As an RN, I was always conflicted since I was always a strong believer in natural remedies when possible and saw how much more damage the medical profession had a tendency to incorporate without regard to the whole person. I would always encourage autonomy for my patients and ask them not to accept a doctor’s opinion as gospel.
Around the same time that you started your trip, I was starting to explore the benefits if Ayurvedic Medicine and was so inspired to see the choices you were making concerning your cancer diagnosis.
When I would read your posts, and see your lovely art work, I was so uplifted seeing how one person could make such a difference in this world.
See if Katy can look up and play the song “Gold” by Linda Eder for you. The lyrics make me think of you and I hope you know that ” you once held the gold”
I believe that passing onto our next journey has to be easier if we think we made a difference somehow in this life. I always thought that was a hard thing to accomplish because I kept thinking you had to do something really big. You showed me that one can make a big difference in the smallest of ways. The power of just a smile is something you brought to light for many. Smiles bring hugs, hugs bring good feelings and love. You’ve brought Love to the universe and I cannot help but believe that is what our souls purpose is.
Your love of the international language of music has also had such a great impact.
So, my reason for emailing you in the first place is to assure you that you will leave behind many positives. In the end, most people, in my experience, just want to know if they loved enough, cared enough, shared enough, lived enough,gave enough appreciated life enough. I’d say, from what I’ve seen in my limited knowledge of you, that you nailed it my friend!
Thank you for sharing your journey. I’ve always wanted to visit India but the financial Gods aren’t showing that possibility in the near future but I was able to catch a feeling for it through your expressions of love for it ! 🙂
Katy, you appear to be an exceptional human being in your own right as well. Each of you are lucky to have been able to share your love and memories.
I have a dear dear friend from nursing school who is a certified oncology nurse administrator in Dallas. I’ve been telling her about you both and your ” smile to the end program”. Maybe we can get something moving here in the states. No promises but the thought is moving.
Katy, I live on the coast of NC part time and also in Key West. If ever you need time at the beach, you are always welcome!
God bless you both. You are in my thoughts, my prayers and in ” my smiles “!

You can see all comments on this post here:



another great pic….unknown photography credit.

6 thoughts on “reach out and touch somebody…

  1. Katy, thank you for sharing Jeannie’ s story and how she began to follow you and Scott’s journey. It’s heartwarming to know that this world still has wonderful people who walk amongst us and that there are plenty ‘good people’ still here all learning from each other. Thanks to you both for reminding me to smell the roses each and every day. Hugs xxx


  2. Synchronicity…I also found your blog from a post you made on Jean Fogelberg’s page….it’s a small world – and I don’t believe in coincidence. It’s an honor to follow your journey. Namaste!


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