high point’s here again

What glorious weather we are having here in High Point for the Spring furniture market! As I traveled around the aisles of Interhall where the most contemporary and freshest product gets shown in the temporary spaces, I couldn’t help but smile thinking about markets past and how excited Scott always got about the show. It was first and foremost an opportunity for him to spend time with his sister and her husband who are also in the industry, and, the multitude of friends and colleagues he got to see twice a year at the event.

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It was so good to spend some time with his sister. Later I deliberately visited the showrooms of a few of these friends on Saturday. . . friends John & Judith Rose at Textillery who gave Scott a cozy soft blanket to go to Goa with, for example. I will be heading out in the next few days to cover some more ground and say hello to people whom Scott loved so very much.  I was greeted warmly by Janice when I ran into her in the IHFC building hallway and remembered the dinner in DC we had with her and her dad.


Roberto, the friend who picked Scott up from the hospital the day he learned the bad news is in town for only today but still made time to drop by our home to say hello this morning before heading to market for his busy day. Roberto’s son Alan visited us in Goa, too (a high point in Scott’s final months). Scott would be happy to hear that John Strauss‘s showroom never looked better, Louis Lara’s new designs at Gary’s showroom Seasonal Living look amazing, Eric stopped by late last night to say hello because he “saw our lights were still on” just like in years past…some things never change and yet the one thing we can count on is things will always change.

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Darling, if your spirit truly is visiting the market this week—many of your friends felt your presence—please swing by the Maize Cantina tonight while your Scott Morgan Design Scholarship committee is meeting over dinner to work out more details about the best way to distribute it. Whisper your ideas in our ears and I promise you we will hear you. Tell all your friends that the scholarship is ongoing and we continue to accept donations via the website.


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