in scott’s footsteps

Scott Morgan was a film buff. During our Goan odyssey we had several movie dates which offered an escape from the reality of his illness. When Scott learned his beloved niece got accepted into USC film school, he was over-the-moon with excitement for her. Today, I am delighted to share with you Mercedes Morgan’s letter […]

prince philip and my mum

What do Prince Philip and my mum have in common? They are both 97. And at least from my family’s viewpoint, they are both royalty. Philip’s recent car accident promptedĀ this article in The GuardianĀ about when is it time for our seniors to stop driving. Writer Nick Duerden doesn’t definitively answer that question in his article; […]

cat & fiddle

Meet Me At The Cat & Fiddle (c) Scott Morgan 2007-2013 Tomorrow Anna Allgeyer turns 92 years old. She is the mother of 5 children including me, the grandmother of 5, the great-grandmother of 9. Her short term memory and attention span are both disappearing now at a rate that is alarming to her (‘I […]

time for some deja vu

Sitting on a bench at the water’s edge just before sunset tonight on St.Paddy’s Day, Santa Monica cruises by. Not the sun kissed California city Scott resided in for years while I was living nearby in Venice Beach, the two of us living in parallel universes that wouldn’t find a sweet intersection until he left […]