the namaste song

Today we almost actually had -ahem-weather. I got so excited to see clouds. And as you can see, the Goan sky was moody and dark. I pulled the drapes open so Scott could see it, too. Then I went out on our deck to snap this pic. When I turned back to look at him he was no longer in bed. On his own steam he’d gotten up and was standing in the doorway with his Uncle Bob’s bear cane. He asked me to take a bunch of nude photos of him, front and back, so he could see himself clearly. Within minutes he was makin’ art with the shots. Cropping, playing with light n shadow, special effects and enhancements. At some point he will be ready to share. But until then check out this video of a new song Scott wrote and sang, also today. The title Namaste translates to I see the divine light in you.
Namaste 🙂

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